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speech analysis中文是什么意思

用"speech analysis"造句"speech analysis"怎么读"speech analysis" in a sentence


  • 语言分析
  • 语音分析


  • Wavelet analysis is a newly developed theory , which overcomes the disadvantages of traditional fourier analysis . it has good localized features in both the time domain and the frequency domain and has important application value in the fields of signal processing , image processing , speech analysis and so on
  • According to commonly steps of speech recognition , the key methods of speech recognition is discussed : a ) firstly , preprocessing and feature extraction in speech recognition is studied . we studied two important speech analysis methods and extracted two key features for speech recognition : mfcc and lpcc . on the base of the research we improve the algorithm and experiment with new method
    论文根据语音识别的一般流程,主要针对语音识别系统的关键技术进行探讨: ( 1 )首先对语音信号的预处理和特征提取问题进行讨论。分析了当前最常用的两种特征参数, mfcc和lpcc ,在此基础上对语音识别系统预处理和特征提取作了一些改进,并给出相应的实验验证。
用"speech analysis"造句  


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